Release Terminus in Best Look
Now you can play full Terminus in best video format with duration 120 Min and has been aired on 2015-01-30 with MPAA rating is 1.- Original Title : Terminus
- Movie title in your country : Terminus
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Thriller, Science Fiction,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-01-30
- Companies of movie : Storm Vision Entertainment,
- Countries of movie : Australia,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 120 Min
- Average vote of movie : 4
- Youtube ID of movie : UNaeW9dGIvI
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,
- Actors of movie :Jai Koutrae (David Chamberlain), Kendra Appleton (Annabelle Chamberlain), Todd Lascane (Zach), Bren Foster (Agent Stipe), Brendan Clearkin (Ned Wilcox), William Emmons (Agent Lubinski), Steve Le Marquand (Sherrif Williams), John J. Manning (Tony Cerillo), Henry Nixon (Agent Epstein)
Movie plot of Terminus :
Watch full Terminus in High Definition Format with movie plot "A small American town struggles against a tide of economic woes, as overseas military conflict casts despair and disillusionment across the community - a glimmer of hope bursts through the atmosphere to change their world forever." in HD format. Watch full Terminus in HD Video by push of the button above.
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Writer : Shiyan Zheng, Director : Marc Furmie, Writer : Marc Furmie, Writer : Gabriel Dowrick
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